Paying down debt can seem intimidating, especially when you’re looking at a large bill that you’ve been putting off for some time. With all your regular monthly expenses, it’s hard to resolve a past-due account all at once. That’s why monthly plans can be such a powerful tool for people trying to pay debts and improve their financial health.
But a monthly payment plan only works if you stick with it. Fortunately, MCM’s consumer payment portal allows you to set up automatic payments. Learn the benefits of autopay and how to get started with your account.
Why Use Autopay?
If you’re wondering why you would choose automatic payments for your MCM account, consider that you may already be using automatic payments for some of your monthly bills. Whether you have a Netflix account, use autopay for your electricity bill, or are a member at a gym, you simply input your checking account or credit card once and then you’re good to go. You don’t have to remember to pay every month. You don’t have to write or mail a check. Paying off your account with MCM can be just as simple.
Setting up automatic payments means you don’t have to worry about taking action every month. It essentially takes a task off your to-do list. And you can rest assured that our secure consumer portal will only collect payments that you have chosen and confirmed you want to make.
Best of all, when you choose automatic payments for your MCM account, you can feel good knowing that you are prioritizing your financial health. Every monthly payment is a step toward a better future.
How to Get Started
The first step to setting up automatic payments with MCM is logging in to your account. You can log in with your MCM account number and the last 4 digits of your SSN, or if you don’t have your account number on hand, you can log in with your last name, date of birth, and the last 4 digits of your SSN.
Once you’re logged in, you can see what options you have when it comes to monthly payment plans. The more you pay monthly, the quicker you can resolve your account. If you qualify for a monthly plan, you can spread payments over time.
After choosing a payment size that you can commit to every month, choose what day of the month you want to make payments and enter your payment details. When you submit your choices, the MCM consumer payment portal will display a list of your scheduled payments and you will be asked to confirm your choices. Now you’ve set yourself up for success.
You Always Have Options
The beauty of automated monthly payments is that you can choose the right payment for your budget. But if life throws something unexpected at you, you can always log into your MCM account to make changes. If you’d like to speak to an account manager about your monthly payment options, give us a call at 800-296-2657.
*Although we hope these tips are helpful to you, Midland Credit Management does not offer financial advice. If you have questions or concerns about your personal finances, please speak to a financial advisor.